My unsuccessful job search is causing me Depression What should I do?

Rejection is an inevitable part of the job search process. They were also more likely to have a higher quality of life, better mental health, and a better attitude toward their current and future employers. Job searching provoked a wealth of negative feelings in the participants. The study also found that being rejected negatively affected the job seekers’ self-worth, even though they were highly skilled and already employed. The hiring manager had interviewed me for a position, and then sent me a standard rejection email. I was on the verge of giving up one day, when I decided to reach out to a hiring manager who had rejected me for a position. I started thinking that maybe I didn’t have the emotional intelligence and transferable skills to get an industry job.

  • However, what you are describing sounds like you may be depressed.
  • First step is to know why does job search depression happens.
  • You might think your skills and abilities aren’t strong enough for your chosen career, or you pursued the wrong degree altogether.
  • When you put in a lot of time and effort and don’t immediately see the results you hoped for, you may start to feel discouraged, anxious, or even depressed.
  • But if you apply for a job you’re not qualified for, you’re probably not going to get it.

It can be especially hard to remind yourself of this as the pandemic has pushed us all into our own cocoons of uncertainty and doubt without regular contact with others. Even tasks that aren’t related to the job search, like straightening up your room or making phone calls about health insurance coverage, can earn a place on your goal list. The idea is to feel good about what you’ve achieved and feel like you’re moving forward.

How to Deal With Job-Search Depression

” Even if you’re in a tough spot, you need to find the mental fortitude to think of positive solutions to make things better. Here’s what you need to do to keep positive, motivated and upbeat to avoid spiraling into a bad mental and emotional state.

Why is job searching so exhausting?

The job-hunting process is emotional and comes with plenty of ups (great interviews) and downs (losing a job to another candidate). Even landing a new job may lead to stress over setting your current team members up for success, offboarding, and then onboarding in a new company.

Here are what I’ve done to overcome the feeling of anxiety. If you’re tired of a frustrating job search, how does your experience measure up to Loki’s, the god of mischief?

What to Negotiate in a Job Offer When They Won’t Budge on Pay

Spend two hours/day browsing for jobs and applying to your top picks. Start with one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You’ll see what’s out there and won’t miss anything new. Saying you’ll apply to 10+ jobs each day isn’t feasible. After all, there may not be that many available if you have a highly specialized skill set. If you’re not having much luck with your job search, it may be time to buckle down and get more serious.

How to Deal With Job-Search Depression – The New York Times

How to Deal With Job-Search Depression.

Posted: Mon, 27 May 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Remember that no matter what the outcome of your job searching process is and the number of rejections you receive, your current situation does not define you. Staying organized will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed with the job search process. It can also help you balance your priorities and responsibilities. If you don’t get that dream job you applied for, have a plan ready to pick yourself up. Focus on what you can learn from that experience rather than feeling rejected. Find out if there are job skills training programs in your state. Resources available for people who are unemployed can help you build new skills to make you more competitive on the job market.

Free support for depression

And if dealing with depression is new to you and you haven’t quite figured out what your best tools are, start by visiting a therapist and working on building up your toolbox together. If you’ve been dealing with depression for a while, you likely know by now what helps you to get through your hardest episodes. We influence 20 million users and we are the number Your #1 friendly resource for building an impactful career. This can boost your mood and even make your job search more fruitful long-term. While you may be depressed as a result of losing a job, people can also lose a job because they’re depressed.

Why am I struggling to get a job?

Your age is affecting your application. You lack local market knowledge. The job market is beyond tough and extremely competitive. You have a broad background and don't quite fit the square hole you're pushing yourself in.

Make a list of job search depression postings you’re applying for, with information like interview dates, contact details, and interview questionsyou’d like to ask. The longer you’re unemployed, the more disheartened you may become about your prospects for finding a job that you’re both excited about and know you will enjoy. Everyone experiences setbacks at one time or another. The only people who haven’t encountered this are those who never took any chances. There will always be bad breaks, heartaches and dashed hopes. Instead of habitually doing this, take a deep breath and pause.


Think of all of the reasons why you want to find a job that is larger than the job itself. Do you have what it takes to be a Transformative CIO?


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